Climate Partners is your trusted partner for all your home comfort and energy savings needs. From routine or emergency service, new installations, or energy upgrades of your existing systems, our friendly team of pro's helps roughly 70-80 homeowners just like you every week to achieve their comfort and energy-saving goals. With over 5000-clients, plus 3-generations serving southern CT, you can rest easy knowing we'll make your entire experience Worry-Free from start-to-finish. In fact, we guarantee it with the best warranties in the industry. The bottom line is our team is not happy until you are! Climate Partners is also the Most Awarded HVAC contractor in the country, have been recognized 14-times for quality, innovative projects for our clients. No other companies in the US have even half as many, and no other company in CT has ever won even once! Whatever you're looking for, you can count on Climate Partners as your trusted partner in southern CT.